Thursday, July 25, 2013

Magazine Cover

Here is my magazine cover final. The layout category I chose was, pictures married to type. I knew I wanted my magazine cover to do with music. To be honest, I thought we had through the weekend to finish until I received the email saying it was due. So, I quickly got to work. I looked for the image first. Kurt Cobain was perfect. Then I came up with the name of the magazine. It was inspired by Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody's song. I also looked up the meaning of Rhapsody. I liked that it stated "Epic Poem". Perfect for songwriting appeal. After that, I figured out the font and color of the Masthead and used the glowing edge tool amongst others to get it right.  I put myself in the buyer's shoes and decided what the feature articles would be. I then  had to position where the featured articles would be placed and worked on the font size, style and color of each one. Lastly, I dated my monthly magazine cover. Now, where can I buy it?

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Here is a Panorama of your images. I used the Pano tool and merged the layers. Then I did some color correcting and used the exposure tools. 


Here is the HDR homework. I took your photos and used the Merger to HDR tool. Then I used the Edge Glow Controls and set the radius to 200, Strength to 3, Gamma  to 10, Exposure to 40 and Detail to 60. I also changed the Shadow to 7, Highlight to 50, Vibrance to 52 and Saturation to 30. It was a bit too yellow so did some more adjusting and came up with this in the end.

GIF Animation

Here is the my GIF Animation lab work. Spaceship traveling around earth. This was fun to do, but struggled a little because I did not have the animation option under timeline. Figured it out, with my son's help. Wish  I had more time to play around with this one.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Poem Collage

Here is my Poem Collage using 5 images and text.


Liquify option is fun. I used the bloat tool on his eyes, ears and chin. I also used the bloat tool on his hairline. I used the pucker tool on his mouth.

Movie Poster Portrait

Here is the Movie Poster. With the text, I played around with text style, color and size. I ended up making the title orange. It looked better than basic black. For the filters, I used Artistic Poster Edge and then Sketch Half Tone Pattern. I changed the mode to Color Dodge and opacity to 48. I like the end result.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Color Scheme

The original image is the yellow bird.

I decided to make the bird red and make the background both yellow and green. This is using a secondary color scheme;  two primary colors and a resulting secondary color for a total of three colors represented in the graphic.

Basic color correcting

Here is my color correction. The like the colors of the leaves and the nesting area is not as dark as it was. I brightened up the overall image.


Here is Duotone David. I cropped the original picture, changed it to Graysale and then Duotone and added the green. Was going to add purple but the green looked better.