Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lab work- Painting

While in Italy a few years back, I was lucky enough to see Michelangelo's David. For me, one of the highlights of the trip. Anyway, We took a little tour and they brought us to a magnificent viewing spot that had a replica of David. I took a picture at this location and here is my  painting example.

Selection Tools

This photo makes me laugh. I took Albert Einstein's head and put it on Jim Morrison's body using the selection tools. I wanted to use the body of Johnny Depp, but the picture was too small and at first I couldn't figure out how to make them similar size. I realized later, I had to take the image and adjust the size, so Einstein's head wouldn't be so big. This is the result.

Art Filters

I took this photo on a trip to Yosemite. It's of one of my son's about 10 years ago. I used the Fresco Filter and some blending options. I also used the elliptical marquee to select him. I then did an inverse and changed the background with the texture filter called craquelure, or something close to that.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lesson 1

Here is it. My first Photoshop Lesson done. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy for me and I had some struggles. I am not very tech savvy (yet), so it was hard for me to even get to the first lesson. I wasn't sure what I was doing at all or how to figure out the answers. With a little help from my family, a good friend and the internet, I got through it! Thank you :-)